Second Mesa


Second Mesa


Of the three mesas, Jones and Whiting spent the most time at Second Mesa during the 1935 Hopi Crop Survey. They lived at Second Mesa, which was the home of Edmund Nequatewa, the project interpreter and contributor. These men interview 23 families and collected 39 items in the villages of Songòopavi, Musangnovi, Supawlovi, and a family from Sunlight Mission near Supawlovi. Different varieties of corn, as well as melon, squash, and beans were collected.

Collection Items

Old Type Bush Bean
Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris Hopi Name from 1935 field notes: Wi mori vo si Source of Seeds: Old type

White Bean
Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgarisHopi Name from 1935 Field Notes: TcaptcaipmoriSource of Seeds: Old type. Pure StrainCrop Management: Has been much more popular type. Rabbits have increased lately. Edmund said that the reason for this not being a…

Cream Colored Grease Bean
Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris Hopi Name from 1935 field notes: Wi mori Source of Seeds: Field mixture
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